
About Us

Who we are

We are a leading company in providing services and comprehensive solutions in Cybersecurity and Information Security. We seek to establish long-term alliances with our clients, providing services that allow them to reduce the levels of risk and fraud in which organizations are constantly exposed, through the implementation of detection, protection and control strategies that help them to achieve their business objectives and optimize the profitability of their investments in cyber security.

Our Mission

The mission of SecPro is to make the world safer, providing Cybersecurity Services to small, medium, and big organizations, with great care of their Budget,  in a professional, deep and reliable way, and establish strong bonds with the community through our training and awareness programs.

Our Vision

Become a regional leader in Cybersecurity, solving our customers´ needs and fronting the next challenges side by side in a continuous partnership.

Corporate Responsibility

  • We Support the Actions of Non- Profit Organizations like, where we are active members.

  • We deliver free talks, conferences and workshops aimed at non-profit entities, schools and other academic institutions in United States.

  • We deliver free educational material such as the book “Cybersecurity for Everyone’s and content published on YouTube and Twitch Channels in English and Spanish.

  • We donate workshops, conferences and virtual academy courses to military forces and law enforcement in Colombia and Latin America.

  • We donate training slots for our virtual platform in different areas related to cybersecurity and computer forensics for people that cant afford the price of the trainings.

  • We provide free mentoring for African American people who wants to start or solidify their Cybersecurity Careers.


Do the right things,  no matter what, and act with ethics, being transparent, taking pride in our work


We base our team on capabilities, potential, attitude, prioritizing ideas, contributions and providing equal opportunities for everyone


Our main engine and team commitment; continuous improvement and the creation of new ways to be better in our services


Each of us at SecPro deserves recognition of our personal value and rights. That’s why we maintain respectful personal and business relationships that enhance the working environment and the personal development of each individual.


Loyalty is one of the values that distinguish us; our actions over time speak for themselves, allowing us to consolidate a large group of clients and allies who believe in our work, our professionalism and our respect, living in an environment of mutual trust.


SecPro aims at equal opportunities and development; promoting individual and collective initiatives that enriches people both professionally and personally. One of our main efforts is called “Cybersecurity For Everyone”; In this project, we are Mentors for Women and for African American people that wants to start their careers in Cyber Security thru Free Training and Support.

Why SecPro?

Because our commitment with the knowledge and the quality

SecPro Team is a dynamic group of enthusiastic experts, that are in a  in permanent training, learning and improvement path.

Our team is trained and certified with some of the most important and recognized Cybersecurity Expertise Certifications:

Contact Us

+1 (804) 256-8316

2034 Eisenhower Ave # 170 Alexandria, VA 22314

Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm

Get Started

Schedule a virtual appointment with our experts for a free External Cybersecurity Diagnostic.

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