
Security Services

Pentesting Network Security Services

Network Security

Tests execution to identify vulnerabilities in  IT and Communication infrastructures, including:

  • Red Team

  • Attack Surface Detection

  • External Pentesting

  • Vulnerability Assessments

  • Internal Pentesting

  • Ethical Hacking

  • Network Security Testing

OT / SCADA / IOT / IIOT Security Icon - Internet of Things - WiFi - Wireless

OT / SCADA / IOT / IIOT Security

Operational Technologies, Industrial Control Systems and Industrial Internet of Things,  are the basement for the most critical infrastructure in any Country, and one of the most difficult to protect.

Our experienced experts analyze and evaluate the security of your Critical Infrastructure on  demand or in a continuous monitoring basis to detect any breach or vulnerability  that can lead to a disrruption or can affect the CIA triad. (Confidentiality, Integrity, Avalability).

Application Cyber Security

Application Security

Applications allow your Company to interact with your clients, but the security and protection of the information, sometimes are forgotten. We analyze your WEB Sites, API, and interactions, looking for logic flaws, code security and vulnerability detection.  Our Services Includes:

  • DAST (Dynamic application security testing)

  • SAST (Static application security testing – Source Code Analysis)

  • API Testing

Phishing Icon - Human Breach Icon - Cybersecurity Icon

Awareness / Human Breach / Leak Prevention

People is the most attacked target in any Company; do you know if your team is ready to front the next attack, and avoid compromise your information?.

We perform diagnostic tests aimed to find out the awareness level of people, through different mechanisms, doing adversary emulation such as:

  • Demonstrative Awareness Webinars / Talks

  • Practical Awareness Workshops

  • Awareness Gamification

  • Controlled phishing campaigns

  • Controlled Vishing Campaigns

  • Staff impersonation

  • Physical Intrusion Tests

Cloud Security Icon

Cloud Security

Cloud is one of the most important Operational Surfaces, and a very important target for adversaries; Our testing methodology allow us to detect vulnerabilities and flaws that can allow an adversary compromise your infrastructure.

Our Tests includes:

  • Cloud Vulnerability Assessment

  • Cloud Pentesting

  • Insecure Buckets Detection

  • IAM Vallidation


Digital Surveillance Icon - Hacker - Pentester

Brand / Trademark Protection

Continuous Monitoring activities in Surface Web, Deep Web and Dark Web, verification and follow-up for detection of threats against your brand such as:

  • Fake domains with similar names

  • Corporate information leakage

  • Fake mail servers

  • Unauthorized trademark use for domains and sub-domains

  • Source Code Leakage

  • Automatic cloning detection probe

  • And more

What makes Us Different?

Our team comes with more than 3 decades of experience in Ethical Hacking, Pentesting, Vulnerability Assessments, DAST, SAST, etc. with real world engagement experience, testing critical infrastructure in different countries in the World. Our Company operates in 9 Countries, but we have service partners in 20 Countries, making us your a great alternative if you need a multi country engagement.

Affordable Service

We know that each company in the world is exposed to an increasing number of cyber risks, and is not fair that only the companies with big budgets can enjoy a world class service; thinking in that way, our prices are affordable for any Company, no matter the size or the amount of employees, because Cibersecurity should be a right for every Company and person in the World.

We are your Partners

Our engagements are real life escenarios, from a higly motivated adversary perspective; we are never limited to provide automated results from vulnerability detection tools: based in the RoE (Rules of Engagement), we use everything in our capabilities, knowledge  and arsenal to vulnerate an infrastructure and detect even the most insignificant breach that can lead a cyber criminal to compromise your infrastructure.

We got you covered

No matter your needs, from an Vulnerability Assessment, Attack Surface Detection, A new Mobile Application Security Test (DAST or SAST), API Tests, we can execute the best of the tests and probes sets to give you a real status of your cyber risk and  cyber exposure,  and we work with you to solve the findings, and in all of our engagements the retest is included by default,  closing each one of the tests cycles.

Contact Us

+1 (804) 256-8316

2034 Eisenhower Ave # 170 Alexandria, VA 22314

Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm

Get Started

Schedule a virtual appointment with our experts for a free External Cybersecurity Diagnostic.

ISO 9001 SGS Certificate Icon
ISO 27001 SGS Certificate Icon

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