Application Security
Application Security
Applications allow your Company to interact with your clients, but the security and protection of the information, sometimes are forgotten. We analyze your WEB Sites, API, and interactions, looking for logic flaws, code security and vulnerability detection.
This test can be executed in:
Web Applications
Mobile Applications
Client – Server Apps
Our General Methodology for this kind of Assessments is:

Dynamic application security testing (DAST)
A dynamic analysis security testing (DAST), is an application security diagnostic that can help to find certain vulnerabilities in web applications while they are running in production.
A DAST test is also known as a black box test because it is performed without access to the source code, business logic, application architecture or infrastructure Topology.
Its executed from the adversary or malicious actor perspective, using the same techniques, tools and methodologies, to find potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities in an application, and verifing thru exploitation and evidence capture of the successful attack.
In this test the language used to create the application doesn’t matter at all, because the focus of the exercise is to compromise the functionality and the information contained in the application.
This kind of test can be executed in:
Web Applications
Client – Server Applications
Mobile Applications
Our approach to execute this test, can be represented in this graph:

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) - Source Code Analysis
With this test we analyze the source code of an application, in order to detect vulnerabilities or security flaws in the code, before the compilation.
The SAST test is executed in different times in the software development life cycle (SDLC); this excercise do not requiere a complete working application and can take place without code being executed.
This is a great help for the Developer Team, to identify vulnerabilities in the initial stages of the development process and allow to solve in a fast and dynamic way different vulnerabilities and issues, and generate the different releases with an acceptable security level, increasing the hardenization of the app until the final productive release.
What makes US different in front of our competitors:
We use different automated Commercial and Proprietary technologies to execute different scans and analysis in the source code;
After the initial automated tests, our experts execute manual tests and analysis to validate the findings detected by automated tools, and in different cases detect additional issues or potencial risks inside the code.
So, to summarize, we present useful and verified vulnerabilities, not just 500 pages of false positives.
Our testing methodology can be represented in this graph:

API Testing
Is a software testing type that analyze Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) security in functions and behavior.
The use of API to perform interactions between clients and servers is a model used by tho most of the companies in the world, because allows a system to makes requests, query data, import data, formats, etc.
An API can include several functions/subroutines that the software in the sever can perform to answer the queries from the client.
The purpose of API Testing is to check the reliability, functionality, stability, performance, and security of the programming interfaces.
This test uses software to send calls to the API, validate the authentication, get output, and evaluate the system’s response.
API tests are very different from GUI Tests, and are oriented to validate the security in the business logic layer of the software architecture.
Our API Testing methodology is represented in the next graph:

Contact Us
+1 (804) 256-8316
2034 Eisenhower Ave # 170 Alexandria, VA 22314
Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm